Kabali is an upcoming Tamil gangster-drama movie directed by Pa. Ranjith starring superstar Rajinikanth. Kabali film is slated to release on July 15, 2016. In this movie, Bollywood critically acclaimed actress Radhika Apte is playing the role of Rajinikanth's wife. Kabali star cast is powered by other stars like Kalaiyasaran, Dhansika, John Ravi and director Pa. Ranjith has also cast Winston Chao for the negative role in the movie. This is the first movie of Thalaivar superstar Rajinikanth this year 2016.
Kabali movie is a real life story based on the life of a Don who helps poor people and do social work in his own way. In this movie, Superstar Rajinikanth is playing the character of a don named Kabaliswaran and Radhika Apte is playing the role of the wife of kabaliswaran. The makers of the film have already released the Kabali movie teaser trailer and It has been trending over youtube for many days. Also Check
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Last week the makers of the Kabali film have launched the Kabali music and It's quite popular in the superstar fans. Neruppu Da and Ulagam Oruvanukka songs are already chartbusters, Which are trending on youtube. Santhosh Narayanan is the man who composed the music of Kabali movie. This is the first time when Rajinikanth is playing opposite Radhika Apte. Radhika Apte is already on cloud nine as she got a chance to share a screen with Superstar Rajinikanth. She already stated that "Rajinikanth very inspiring, there's no one like him."
Kabali Movie Box Office Prediction Report
This is the first movie of Superstar Rajinikanth this year and fans are already desperate to watch him again on big screen as
Rajinikanth has not done any movie in the year 2015 so this time span of one year will give a big box office collection for the Kabali. Last two movies of superstar Rajinikanth Lingaa and Kochadaiiyaan was not that up to the mark, Lingaa was a big failure and was not up to the mark at the box office. So will Pa. Ranjith can do the magic with his story of Kabali on the Box office this year.
- Kabali 1st Day Box Office Collection - Rs.30-45 crore
- Kabali 2nd Day Box Office Collection - Rs.30-40 crore
- Kabali 3rd Day Box Office Collection - Rs.40-50 crore
- Kabali 1st week box office collection prediction: INR 170 crore
- Kabali total box office collection prediction: INR 650-750 crore
According to us, Kabali can do a great box office business and Rajinikanth's kabali will break all the box office collection records this time. Kabali can do 100 crore weekend box office collection in its 1st 2nd 3rd day box office collection. Rajinikanth fans are eagerly waiting for the movie and this will give the great boost to the kabali movie total box office collection earning report. If the trends go as per we expect then kabali can record 200 crore Box office collection in its first seven days and it's going to be great watch how kabali perform at the box office.
Kabali Movie starring Rajinikanth and Radhika Apte is releasing in over 1000 screens in north India only on July 22. So you can guess now how huge opening will be for Kabali and How much it can grab in the market. Every critic is expecting massive kabali movie box office collection.
Kabali movie is releasing on July 15, 2016, Friday and on that day there is no big banner movie release from Bollywood so this is going to be a big advantage for kabali filmmakers. Kabali is releasing across 5000 screen worldwide and filmmakers have also decided to release kabali in Malaysia and Bangkok too which will give the advantage to the kabali total earning report. Kabali movie is releasing in Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil and Hindi so this will add the creditability to the kabali box office collection report. Kabali trailer has shown us a quick review of kabali movie and the Kabali dialogue of Rajinikanth are getting a positive response from the audience. Rajinikanth looking stunning in white beared, coat blazer cloths. So all these factors can do magic for kabali and we are hoping that kabali film box office collection can break all the records.
I hope you loved our article about Kabali movie box office collection and stay tuned for more updates about the movie kabali.
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