Do you plan before writing a blog post? If you are new to blogging then you might think it is not so important. But planing before writing is important. Reason is, blog`s success lies on the exceptional content of your posts, and without planning it might be tough for  you to present your post exceptionally.
Now without wasting anymore words I would like to introduce you to 4 basic tips( basic blog tips) which I follow while writing a blog post.

Tip #1  Choose A Topic

Don`t choose a topic because many are writing about it, select a topic on which you can give some information. For this, I write down few topics about which I think I should write (I usually write on a paper when am free from other works). Then from them I select the one which is more worthy to share first. Other topics will keep it for my next posts.
What if you don`t get any ideas?
And I must tell that most of the times I don`t get ideas about what topic I need to select then I browse some blogs, comment there and from them get some ideas. Or some times I go outside walking on streets thinking about blogging and get few topics which I write on a paper. Seems different? ;)

Now, you have selected a topic lets go for forward to tip 2.

Tip #2 Research Before Writing (Keywords & Content)

I must say that this is most time consuming activity while writing blog post. But you must remember that informative content always bring more traffic and readers.
In this tip I wanna include two things
  • Keyword research
  • Research about the information (Content research)
These two things are very important without this you cannot imagine a blog post to be seen by anyone. For keyword research I go for with Google adwords keyword tool and Google keyword suggestions.
Research about the content is also very important, though you get into first page of Google this cannot ensure that your blog will get more readers. As readers are human and they need worthy information not bunch of keywords. So to make your blog post worthy research what is to be written and what are the things that you want to highlight.

Tip #3 GRAB Attention!

Now that you have got good amount of information about the topic you are going to write make it in a way to grab readers attention. Yes! you must do this, though you have all things like information, keywords & good sentence user will not wait to read everything. You must make his/her reading easy.
For that I initially write down important points on a paper (not total post) , this will make me not to lose any point which I know about the topic. And highlight points on your post using bullets, #, numbers, arrows etc…
Collect attractive and related images for the post. I do this from flickR, Bing etc…

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Tip #4 Go for it!

Now you have a plan with you,  and you will not find any difficulty to start or stop your blog post. Write your post with full confidence.

Few more things

  • Don`t hesitate to give a referring link to any blog/site if you think it has more related matter.
  • Read twice before publishing your post.
  • Give credit to blogs of you are copying any images.
  • While collecting images be sure that it doesn`t imitate any brand copyrights image.
And one more request, if you think am missing anything please share your views by commenting. :)

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